Web Development With ASP: Web Developing : Web Tools

Friday, September 01, 2006   

Web Application Development With ASP - The Basic Processes

If you are new to application development with ASP, you may find it difficult to start with. There is actually there only four major processes to it.

1. Adding a record
2. Retrieving a record
3. Updating/Editing a record
4. Delete a record

Of course these processes only made up the basic functionality of a database management. If you can grasp and pickup these four process and how to link them seamlessly you are almost there!! Only that you will need to start your own database 1st! My next posting will be on creating a database.. so watch out for it!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006   

Web Application Development With ASP - My 1st ASP program

Having setup the IIS and your working directory, now we can start our very 1st ASP program!
Open any text editor, Notepad will be just fine. Personally I prefer textpad, it is a freeware, so just download it and try.

Ok copy and paste the following into a notepad, and save it under test.asp. Those in purple are asp coding. whereas the rest are just html codes.

After you have done so, access it through your web browser

e.g http://localhost/mypage/test.asp. Try to view the source of the page at your browser, you should see that the ASP codes are all hidden. That is the beauty of server side scripting, where your scripts are hidden from the view of the public.

Monday, August 28, 2006   

Web Application Development With ASP - Step 2 - Deleting up your Virtual Directory

Missed this out in my last posting... If you have created the directory and wishes to remove it.

To delete a virtual directory
1. In the Computer Management window, select the virtual directory you want to delete.
2. Click the Action button, and select Delete. Deleting a virtual directory does not delete the corresponding physical directory or files.